Frankly, one of the most frustrating things about doing “alternate” work, is that there is very little in the way of traditional research that supports the effectiveness of the work I do.
My clients can tell you how much Craniosacral and Polarity Therapy sessions have helped relieve their pain and trauma, yet there are still people who want to see research before they’ll try it.
Now, there is finally some data that support what I and my clients clients have been saying for many years: Craniosacral work helps relieve pain, improve sleep, reduce anxiety and ease depression.
Last summer, the Ricky Williams Foundation and the Upledger Foundation began a small pilot program to look at how craniosacral work helped former football players. As many of you know, that’s a population that’s near and dear to my heart.
There is still more work to be done and I’m hopeful I’ll be involved in the study as it continues with a larger group of players. Still, it’s exciting that early results are very promising.
And remember, if it works for football players, imagine what if can do for you!